Dear Elena,
I don’t normally put my personal business on fb but in this case I felt I needed to share. So this past year has been a lot of change for me( in a good way), but I found myself constantly feeling fearful, Second guessing myself, giving up so easily whenever I felt challenged. I Created so much anxiety for myself and it became very overwhelming. I was losing myself. A very dear person to me among a lot of beautiful and powerful things is a spiritual life coach and offered her help. I would meet with her 1 hour a week for 5 weeks. After just one session with Elena C Jones, I began to observe the limiting beliefs which were keeping me separate from that which I desired. From this new awareness and observation I was able to powerfully shift my perspective on life. I now am able to facilitate changes in my thoughts, patterns and belief system! Through those 5 weeks she gave me the right tools to improve myself.To feel energized, happy, more organized, and to achieve more than I have ever expected. I now have a new purpose. Thank you so much Elena C Jones especially for the time you gave, the sharing of your talents and spiritual gifts was such a blessing in so many ways.